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Cabeza de Vaca Picture Analysis
Two blind man are relying upon the guidance of a third blind man. What's wrong with this picture? This photo clearly depicts the blind leading the blind. Panfilo de Narváez led a Florida expedition in 1527. Those who accompanied him on the trip weren't completely sure of what they were getting themselves into, much like the second two men in the picture. They were relying on the knowledge and leadership skills of Narváez. Panfilo de Narváez was much like the man standing in front to the others in the picture. It was up to him to lead his follwers down the right path, but he, too, was blind. He was not a good leader and made bad decisions. "Against Cabeza de Vaca's advice, Narváez sent the ships farther along the shores in search of a rumored port where his army might rejoin them, but the ships were never seen again" ( Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca c. 1490-1558). This bad decision cost many lives. Narváez didn't know what he was doing and couldn't successfully lead a group of people, much like the leading blind man doesn't know how to successfully lead his followers.
that whole blind leading the blind thing was well put.